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Freedom. Unity. Accountability.

Collecting comprehensive frontline data ​​previously

inaccessible in the global anti-trafficking space.

Because every life matters.

At United Against Slavery, we are pursuing unity, even in the midst of our diversity.

Please join our collaborative efforts to collect comprehensive frontline data among anti-trafficking stakeholder groups.

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Award Winning National Outreach Survey for Transportation! 

United Against Slavery is pleased to be awarded the first-ever U.S. Department of Transportation "Combating Human Trafficking in Transportation Impact Award." 

Access the NOST Report Findings Here.

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National Outreach Survey for Transportation Report

Access it Here

Frontline data that discusses the intersection between transportation and human trafficking.

Click here to access the NOST report!

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A Review of NOST Data: Sporting Events

This explores human trafficking at sporting events in the United States, focusing on both labor and sex trafficking. It outlines how victims are exploited through forced labor in event-related supply chains and sex trafficking around these major gatherings. Drawing on NOST data from frontline workers and survivors, this paper assesses differing views on the prevalence of trafficking at these events.

Additionally, it underscores the importance of companies ensuring their supply chains are free from human rights violations and the critical role of journalists in using accurate, sensitive language when reporting on trafficking. It emphasizes the need to listen to survivors and honor their preferred terminology when discussing their experiences. This review aims to enhance awareness and encourage informed actions against human trafficking at sporting events.

A Review of NOST Data: Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management (SCM) plays a critical role in combating human trafficking in the transportation sector, extending beyond the movement of goods to ensure ethical practices and transparency. This fosters trust and efficiency across manufacturing, retail, and logistics industries. We examine how traffickers exploit complex transportation networks and emphasize the need for comprehensive SCM strategies focused on transparency, accountability, and integrating frontline worker feedback.

Using data from the National Outreach Survey for Transportation (NOST), this paper identifies gaps in SCM that hinder the identification of trafficking victims. According to NOST data, 83% of respondents agreed that while lower costs are important, companies should prioritize eliminating forced labor from their supply chains.

Research & Data Collection Can Have a Positive Impact
​on the Most Vulnerable Among Us.

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Data Collection & Research are Critical to Solving Complex Problems

Consider cancer research. Technology research. Scientists' predicting inclement weather approaching. Research creates an environment where breakthroughs can happen and where complex problems are identified and many times solved. It is the true catalyst for systematic change. Knowledge is power and quality data obtained through research is the gateway to implementing solutions to problems that exist all around us. 

"Data is the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability." United Nations

Collaborative comprehensive anti-trafficking research should be recognized and funded with the same expectation for results as with other life-changing research. The outcomes of producing empirical research for the entire anti-trafficking community can help survivors of sex and labor trafficking and those who work on their behalf.

Knowledge is power and quality data obtained through research is the gateway to implementing solutions to problems that exist all around us.

Quality Data is Needed in the Anti-Trafficking Space

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Using the Power of Data to Combat Human Trafficking, Unite Stakeholders, & Empower Survivors

The National Outreach Survey represents the largest collaborative research and
​data collection platform for frontline stakeholders.

​​United Against Slavery (UAS) created the National Outreach Survey (NOS) to produce open source data in over 20 sectors for the benefit of research, programming, evaluation, and other needs of the anti-human trafficking community. Data collection will occur in the United States and around the globe. It is time that we stop and listen to each other in an anonymized way and then collaboratively work together to implement positive long-lasting changes in making data-driven decisions.

Frontline data is a missing research tool to support counter-trafficking efforts. ​With a National Outreach Survey, United Against Slavery will:

  • Collect comprehensive frontline data not yet accessible in the anti-trafficking space

  • Launch an open-source data platform for research dissemination and analytics while providing anonymity to respondents

  • Release robust statistics required to identify best practices and effectively combat sex and labor trafficking on a national and international scale

  • Repeat the NOS every two to three years to measure benchmarks and progress in the anti-trafficking movement

Collaboration is Key.

We truly believe that we are stronger when we work together. Unity is one of the greatest weapons we have to combat sex and labor trafficking. None of us have all of the answers and none of us are experts in every aspect of anti-trafficking work. The old saying is still true, "if we all do a little, then a lot will get done." At UAS, we always want to provide a place for collaboration that allows each person to bring the strength of their expertise and allow the team as a whole, to accomplish much more than we could have accomplished by ourselves. 

We are stakeholders ourselves and we know counter trafficking efforts will better thrive when there is greater unity and resources for everyone making documented successes. 

It should be unacceptable that so much money is spent on counter-trafficking work when many sex and labor trafficking survivors STILL do not have the much needed resources in their healing journeys and frontline stakeholders continue to serve without adequate resources to meet daily needs.

We need to identify recommendations for change and document unresolved challenges and find out what is and is not working on the frontlines of more than 20 stakeholder groups through comprehensive frontline data collection and then publish that data so that it can be used for good by the anti-trafficking community, legislators, philanthropist, and others.


We believe that we can find unity even in the midst of our diversity. Alongside lived-experience experts, we need to figure this out...may we rise up to the challenge.


Global Collaborations




Survivor Leaders


Stakeholder Groups


Our Team

United Against Slavery is built by stakeholders on behalf of other stakeholders, including leaders with lived experience.


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Unresolved Challenges

With so much progress in anti-trafficking work over the last decade, unresolved challenges slow down progress in the fight against sex and labor trafficking.

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