Dr. Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco
Research Scientist and Expert Witness in Civil and Criminal Courts
UAS Survey Leader for
All Stakeholder Questions
Dr. Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco is an accomplished survey methodologist, research scientist, and quantitative & qualitative consultant on issues related to human trafficking. She is one of the few researchers with a background to qualify as an expert witness and subject matter expert on human trafficking in criminal and civil court. Her work is published in books, peer reviewed journals, magazines, and news outlets. She has served as a peer reviewer for human trafficking publications and taught human trafficking material at the #1 ranked criminology school in the country, University of Maryland College Park.
Dr. Mehlman-Orozco’s academic accomplishments include:
• Conducting over 2,000 qualitative interviews with human traffickers and victims.
• Conducting systematic social observations of human trafficking within the carpet and textile industry in Jaipur, India, which will be featured in her forthcoming book.
• Performing interrupted pooled time series analysis on the efficacy of safe harbor anti human trafficking policies, which was published in the “Journal of Social Inclusion.” Vetted by Harvard University human trafficking expert Siddarth Kara.
• Identifying geographic patterns of human trafficking prevalence through online advertisements for services. Dr. Mehlman-Orozco has trained both federal and local level law enforcement agents on this methodology, which is currently used as an investigative tool.
• Peer reviewing sex trafficking research published in the Journal of Human Trafficking and the American Journal of Evaluation.
• Serving as the data collection sub committee chair for the Greater Prince William County Human Trafficking Task Force and a member of the Prince George’s County Human Trafficking Task Force.
• Serving as a human trafficking expert witness on multiple criminal cases, for both prosecution and defense.
• Dr. Mehlman-Orozco currently serves as a founding partner of Mahn, Mehlman & Associates, LLC.
Kim is the author of "Hidden in Plain Sight: America's Slaves of the New Millennium." Her book will be available on Amazon.