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Dr. Silvana Croope


Research Investigator for the 2021 National Outreach Survey for Transportation

Dr. Silvana Croope is a Research Investigator for the National Outreach Survey for Transportation, under the USDOT Combating Human Trafficking in Transportation Impact Award.​

She is an expert in infrastructure resilience, and has joined the Alabama Transportation Institute’s Transportation Policy Research Center at the University of Alabama.
She comes to UA from the Delaware Department of Transportation where her work included research coordination with universities, strategic planning for telecommunications and geographic information systems, contract procurement and bidding, and issues related to transportation infrastructure risk and resilience including weather/flooding monitoring and human trafficking. 

She has served as an expert advisor on highway/evacuation route planning, extreme weather, and sea level rise. â€‹

Dr. Croope co-chairs the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board’s project panel on a framework for enhanced flood event decision making for transportation resilience and is a member of the TRB Standing Committee on Transportation Economics and the Special Task Force on Climate Change and Energy. She was the State of Delaware leader for the FEMA Delaware HAZUS User Group (a standardized tool for estimating disaster damages and loss).

At UA, Dr. Croope will continue her research in improving transportation infrastructure planning and implementation.  “We are delighted to welcome Dr. Croope to the Alabama transportation family and to UA,” said Dr. Shashi Nambisan, executive director of the Alabama Transportation Institute. “She is recognized internationally for her work in infrastructure resilience. She brings an established research presence and unique perspective to complement our team, particularly our Transportation Policy Research Center.”

The Transportation Policy Research Center is part of the network of campus researchers and centers associated with the Alabama Transportation Institute. The TPRC helps communicate and interpret research findings to the general public and policy-makers.
Dr. Croope has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Delaware, an MS in Geography from the Federal University of Parana, Brazil, and a BA in Business Administration from the Catholic Faculty of Administration and Economy, Brazil.

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